15A NCAC 02U .0103      DEFINITIONS

The terms used in this Subchapter shall have the meanings set forth in G.S. 143-212 and 143-213, 15A NCAC 02T .0103, in this Rule, and in program-specific rules in this Subchapter:

(1)           "Beneficial manner" means the use of water as a necessary part of an activity or process to which the water is being added.

(2)           "Beneficial reuse" means the utilization of reclaimed water in a beneficial manner and for the purpose of conservation of the State's water resources by reducing the use of other potable water, surface water, and groundwater resources.

(3)           "Closed-loop recycle facility" means a system in which non-domestic wastewater is continually recycled back through the process in which the waste was generated.

(4)           "Conjunctive system" means a system where the reclaimed water option is in addition to other wastewater utilization or disposal methods that are available to the facility at all times, and reclaimed water utilization is not necessary to meet the wastewater disposal needs of the facility.

(5)           "Dedicated system" means a system where the reclaimed water utilization is necessary to meet the wastewater disposal needs of the facility and where other wastewater utilization or disposal methods to accommodate the entire wastewater flow generated at the facility are not available.

(6)           "Direct contact irrigation" means application methods that result in the direct contact of reclaimed water on the portion of the crop intended for human consumption.

(7)           "Five-day side-stream detention unit" means a basin capable of holding five days worth of treatment plant effluent based on the permitted flow capacity in the event that the reclaimed water does not meet the required quality standards for the approved use.

(8)           "Indirect contact irrigation" means application methods that preclude direct contact of reclaimed water on the portion of the crop intended for human consumption.

(9)           "Net environmental benefit" when associated with wetlands augmentation sites means documented evidence supporting continued maintenance of natural conditions, and the protection of endangered species as required in 15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(10). Wetland augmentation systems shall provide documentation of the protection of existing wetland uses in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0201(f) and .0231, and shall not result in net degradation of the wetland.

(10)         "Reclaimed water" means treated wastewater effluent meeting effluent standards established pursuant to Rule .0301 of this Subchapter, and used for beneficial reuse.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 143-213; 143-215.3(a)(1);

Eff. June 18, 2011;

Readopted Eff. September 1, 2018.